Our Now Showing section lists all the movies we currently have available for viewing in your region. Simply browse our catalogue, choose the movie you want to watch, and select the Watch/Play Movie option.
All our movies go through a rigorous screening process to ensure we bring you a selection of quality films. We premiere new movies exclusive to Flix Premiere every week, and in many cases these are shown for the first time ever in a given territory, so we will always have something you have never seen before.
You can use any promotional free tickets (if applicable) or your subscription to watch movies on the following devices, and switch between devices and continue watching on a different device right where you left off by logging into your account:
Our movies are available to stream at 1080p HD quality. We also monitor your Internet connection automatically and reduce the resolution on slower Internet connections to ensure the video always plays smoothly. On certain devices/browsers the player supports choosing a specific resolution rather than relying on automatic adjustment.
Flix Premiere gathers maturity ratings of movies based on country and region. The ratings are set by a standards organization that determines whether or not the material is appropriate for children. If for whatever reason a movie or other piece of content has not been rated by a known standards organization, Flix Premiere will use its reasonable judgment to determine whether or not the material is appropriate.
Yes! We have an app available in the stores of most Smart TV platforms. If our app does not support your specific Smart TV model or you don’t have a Smart TV there are other options for still watching movies on your TV given next.
These days most laptops have a built in HDMI port which means you can connect it to your TV using an HDMI cable, the same type of cable used to connect a Blu-ray player or other set top box. If you are using a Macbook it may be necessary to buy an HDMI adapter for the Mini Display Port.
To connect a mobile device to your TV you will need a Lightning Digital AV Adapter and an HDMI cable, the same type of cable used to connect a Blu-ray player or other set top box:
Flix Premiere is a subscription service. Once you sign up for one of our packages you will be charged the initial fee immediately and then at the interval of the plan you selected on the same day. For example, if you have chosen the monthly package on 6 August you will be charged for the first month immediately and again on 6 September and the months following until you cancel your account.
Some packages offer a free trial period. If you choose such a package there will be no initial charge. If you do not cancel your subscription before the trial period expires you will be charged at the subsequent interval associated with the plan.
Yes. You can cancel your current subscription at any time from which point you will not be charged again. You will still have access to all movies for the duration of the current period which you would have already paid for.
When you sign up for a subscription package your credit card details are linked to your account. Your card will only be charged at the interval of the package you selected for the associated amount. There will be no hidden fees or unexpected charges.
When adding a new card to your account without making a payment we will send an Authorization to your financial institution to verify that your payment method works. These requests are not charges.
Yes, we don’t store your card details on our servers at all but rather pass them on to Stripe, a fully PCI DSS compliant payment provider. Stripe provides us with a unique token associated with your card which we used to initiate future purchases on your card through them.
Purchases made by credit card will be charged in the currency of the country in which the purchase is made. Flix Premiere is currently available in two territories: the USA where charges are in USD and the UK where charges are in GBP.
Purchases made via the Apple App Store, Roku app or Amazon Fire TV app will be charged in the currency associated with store account used to sign in to the device, regardless of the territory in which the purchase is made.